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Analytical Services
Mineral Processing    

RPC offers a broad range of services to the mining sector including mineral dressing, environmental services and analyses, bioleaching, hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy. We have a well-equipped pilot plant and extensive experience in all aspects of extractive metallurgy. Our environmental services include characterization and testing of acid producing rock, tailings and hazardous wastes and asbestos identification. Our mineral processing services include crushing, sizing, grinding, gravity separation and flotation.

We evaluate the potential to recover valuable metals from a wide range of ore deposits using new and existing technologies. We have particular strength in bacterial leaching for recovery of metal values from low grade ores, concentrates or mine tailings.

RPC operates four fluidized bed roasters to provide the flexibility needed to meet a variety of testing requirements. Our roasters are 2, 6, 8, and 12-inch diameter stainless steel and refractory units. They are equipped with a variety of gas cleaning and ancillary equipment including hot filters, cyclones, cold baghouses and condensers.

RPC operates a comprehensive mineral processing and pilot plant test facility staffed by a multi-disciplinary team of specialists comprised of chemists, metallurgists, chemical engineers, mineralogists and physical metallurgists.

Research / Development / Services

  • flotation
  • gravity separation
  • bio-hydrometallurgy
  • hydrometallurgy
  • pyrometallurgy



Leo Cheung, P.Eng.
Director, Industrial Research and Engineering
Tel: 506.452.1212
Toll Free: 1.800.563.0844


Mineral Processing (PDF)


Environmental Analytical Services
Engineering, Manufacturing & Automation